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Reception / Derbyn Year 1 – Mrs Brooks

Welcome to the Summer Term 2022.  I hope that you had a lovely Easter. I can’t wait to see you all.

Our topic this half term is “Animal Safari. This project teaches children about how they have grown and changed since they were babies and how life in the past was different from today. Please click the link below for details of our topic.

Blackboard Summer 22 first half term

I would love you to bring in photographs of you and your pets to support our topic. Please send them on Seesaw. 

The children have been working hard to create a class prayer. We will be learning the prayer in class. Please click below to view our prayer.

Class Prayer

TenTen is a resource that we use for Religious Education in school. Please click the link to access the latest newsletter.

If your child needs to self-isolate, please choose from the activities below to continue their learning. Click on the activities and follow the links. Many thanks.

Jolly phonics sound sheet

Jolly phonics sounds and actions

Tricky words

Pencil control

Health and Well being Foundation Phase





In addition to this perhaps your child could practise the following;

  • Putting on their coat independently.
  • Putting on their shoes and socks independently.
  • Writing their name.
  • Writing numbers to 10 (Reception) or 20 (Year 1)
  • Using a scissors.
  • Counting to 20 forwards and backwards. Jack Hartmann has lots of counting songs on YouTube.
  • Singing the Jolly Phonics songs which can be found on YouTube.

Follow the links below to find the outcomes which will be discussed during Parents Evening telephone calls. These outcomes could also be worked on if your child has to isolate.

Mathematical Development Outcome 1

Mathematical Development Outcome 2

Mathematical Development  Outcome 3

Mathematical Development Outcome 4

Language Literacy and Communication Outcome 1

Language Literacy and Communication Outcome 2

Language Literacy and Communication Outcome 3

Language Literacy and Communication  Outcome 4