Additional Learning Needs/ Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol
At St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we ensure all of our students, regardless of additional learning needs (ALN), have access to the new Curriculum for Wales through quality first teaching by our teachers and support staff. We endeavour to equip our students with the skills they need to lead happy, well-rounded lives as valued member of our community.
Our Additional Learning Needs Policy (Click here to open the policy)
The school supports students with ALN in the following ways:
- Every member of staff is trained in ALN issues and knows how to draw on specialist support.
- The school prioritises early identification of need and allocation of resources for students.
- The school ensures that inclusive practice is of the highest calibre right across the school. The school seeks to remove barriers to learning at all times.
- The school’s ALN policy is developed with reference to the new The Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021 and subsequent guidance. We also work alongside colleagues in Neath Port Talbot local authority to ensure consistency in the area.
- Regular evaluation of progress for each student with ALN and emerging ALN.
- Where necessary, small group or individual intervention.
- Annual person-centred reviews for all students with ALN or emerging ALN to discuss their progress and the creation or evaluation of their one-page profiles.
- High quality decision-making about relevant ongoing support for each student with ALN is backed by research monitoring the progress of small groups of students representing a wide range of needs.
New ALN Reforms – The Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021
The ALN system is the new statutory support system for children and young people aged 0 to 25 in Wales with ALN. The ALN system is replacing the special educational learning needs (SEN) system and the system for supporting young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD). Children with SEN are moving from the SEN system to the ALN system over 3 school years. This process started on 1st September 2021.
The ALN system replaces existing support plans (including statements of SEN, individual education plans (IEPs) for learners on school action/ school action plus with an individual development plan (IDP). An IDP is a statutory plan maintained by a school or local authority that sets out a description of a child or young person’s ALN, the additional learning provision (ALP) called for by their learning difficulty or disability, and other associated information.
Where a child has an ALN from January 2022 ‘IDP’ notices will begin. When given, the notice will confirm that the child has moved to the new ALN system and that they have ALN and require extensive ALP. Where the decision has been made that a student’s needs can be met within our inclusive learning provision (ILP), a ‘no IDP’ notice will be given. Students that require intervention will still receive support through our ILP and select ALP even if a ‘no IDP’ has been given.
For further information, on the ALN reforms please see the video and the documents below:
Additional learning needs (ALN) system: parents’ guide
ALN Reform Parent Information Sheet
ALN Reform-frequently-asked-questions
Inclusive and Additional Learning Provision
At St. Joseph’s we offer a range of provision to support our students’ learning and wellbeing. Inclusive learning provision (ILP) is support that is available to all our students and consists of targeted interventions, differentiated teaching and general support from our teaching assistants. Additional learning provision (ALP) is specialised, or extensive support offered in school or through external agencies. Below are examples of our current ILP and ALP. It should be said, that although a student may access ALP this does not immediately qualify them for an IDP. There needs to be evidence of extensive and sustained ALP over a significant period of time.
Identification and Assessment of students with ALN
Whole school assessment and monitoring procedures are in place and apply to all students, at all levels. Students with ALN are assessed in the same way as all other children. The school follows the graduated response when undertaking any specific areas of support, and has structures in place to ensure on-going regular assessment of outcomes, which are discussed with the child and parents. The school’s assessment procedures ensure that all progress is closely monitored at all times and that any concerns are rapidly raised and the necessary support made available through the class teacher to enable progress. Parents are informed when additional learning provision (ALP) is provided for their child. The ALNCo works with other members of the senior management team to ensure standards are maintained across the school.
Further Support
If you feel that you require support or advice, please do make contact with us and we can organise a face-to-face or Microsoft Teams meeting with our ALNCo, Mr. Lock, who will be more than happy to discuss any queries and concerns you might have.
Further additional learning needs support can be found at:
Neath Port Talbot Local Authority Telephone Number – 01639 763143
Neath Port Talbot Local Authority Website – Pupil Inclusion – Neath Port Talbot Council (
Neath Port Talbot Local Authority email –
Pupil Parent Partnership Service – 01639 763158
SNAP Cymru Helpline – 0808 801 0608
SNAP Cymru website – Home – Snap Cymru