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Dosbarth Daffodil – Mrs Edwards

Our concept this term is ‘movement‘. The children will develop their knowledge and understanding of how different things move. This will include exploring how we move, learning about how different animals move and considering how we can move and use our toys.  Pupils will develop their spatial awareness and understanding of positional language e.g. on, under, over. Throughout their play the children will be encouraged to explore their creative development and imaginations.

Home link: Can your child name their main body parts? What different ways can they move around the room? Can they run/jump/skip/hop/roll? Moving to music is a great motivation for the whole family. Enjoy action songs together!

During your child’s early years developing their independence is essential. It promotes confidence and self-esteem as well as motivation and perseverance in school. Children love to take on responsibilities. Please encourage them to communicate, make choices and carry out some parts of your routine. Eventually they’ll be able to carry out tasks by themselves. Start with hand washing, toileting, getting dressed and zipping up their coats. Teach them to take care of pets at home. There are lots of other practical things that you can do to help prepare your child for school. If your child is not yet as confident in some of these things then please use this time to practice these important skills.

Through our RE scheme the children will explore, ‘Ways of Knowing’, with the children’s learning being driven by the questions;

  • What will I see and hear to help me understand?
  • How will I discover more?
  • What can I do now?

Please click below to view our termly overview.

The children will hear and see the words and actions of the Sign of the Cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”  They will join in with our class and school prayers and take part in services and celebrations in Mass.

Our Class Prayer

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for my friends,

Thank you for my classroom,

Please help me to share, look after the toys and listen to my teachers.



TenTen is a resource that we use for Religious Education in school. Please click the links below for their latest newsletter and links to daily prayer.

We follow the Read Write Inc programme to learn letter sounds and blends and begin to word build. Please support your child’s learning by revising sounds, blends and word building at home.

Please click on the links in blue to access activity sheets:

Letter formation

Number formation

Pencil control

How can I help to prepare my child for school?

Enjoy singing nursery rhymes together. How many can you learn?

Weekly Reminders

Please provide your child with a drink bottle daily.  Fruit can be brought in to school, or school will provide fruit daily for a cost of £1 per week.                                                 

Monday: Whole school assembly. £1 fruit money.         

Tuesday Infant assembly. Please return homework books.  PE kits – All full time pupils must bring a kit to school.  Kits may be left in school until half term. Nursery pupils are to come to school wearing PE kit.         

Wednesday: Music session with Mrs James (fortnightly).  Library session with Mrs Adams. Please return library books by the following Thursday.

Thursday: Forest Schools.                      

Friday: Celebration Assembly. Homework and reading books sent home for full time pupils.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs Edwards