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School Staff / Staff yr Ysgol

Mrs P. Brooks Headteacher, Designated Child Protection and Safeguarding Person, First Aid Assistant.  Additional learning Needs Co-ordinator.
Mr C. Anthony Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Child Protection and Safeguarding Person, Dosbarth Mynydd
Miss N. Beesley Dosbarth Dragon
Mrs C. Edwards Dosbarth Daffodil
Miss E. Evans Dosbarth Castell
Mrs A. Adams Nursery Nurse / ELSA / PPA
Mrs S. Evans Teaching Assistant / First Aid Assistant
Miss J. Corse Teaching Assistant
Miss N. Jones Teaching Assistant
Miss E. Vincent 1:1 Support
Miss J. Gibbons School Clerk
Mr P. Colcombe Caretaker
Mrs S. Baker Cook-in-Charge
Mrs M. Jones Kitchen Assistant
Miss E. Vincent Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs S Plescia Teaching Assistant/1:1 support