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Dosbarth Castell – Miss Evans

Welcome to Dosbarth Castell’s class page. This term we will be learning about culture and heritage, see below for this term’s planning.

Why is it important that children learn about this?

Pupils will learn about their own culture and heritage in order to develop their own identity and sense of belonging. They will explore what it means to be Welsh. We will also learn from our friends about other cultures and traditions within our class which will help us to understand how we are similar and different to our friends. We will listen to traditional Welsh stories and fables and use this to create our own stories so that we understand our history. We will learn about traditional dances in Wales, including modern dance. We will develop observation skills that will help us to interpret the meaning. This will then be extended to other countries as dance is another to communicate. We will learn to dance and to create a simple drama which will help us to develop our creative skills.

Click here to see what we are learning this term.

Our Class Prayer

Thank you, God, for our friends and family.
Thank you, God, for our teachers and our school.
Please help us to be kind and loving and to try our best every day.

Weekly Reminders

Monday: Reading books and homework given out. Library session with Mrs. Adams.

Thursday: P.E day – Please bring your outdoor kit to school.

Friday: Reading books and homework to be returned.

Reading books and homework
The children will also be provided with a reading book and a yellow reading record book, please do your best to read this book with your child each week and sign the yellow record once the book is completed.

Activities will be sent home which link directly to what the children are learning in school and supports their work in class. Please make every effort to support them and to complete the tasks set.

Anything you are able to do at home to supplement their learning at school will make a positive impact, helping them to progress, we thank you for your support!

Below are some sheets and links to free online resources which you might find helpful:

Topmarks – An excellent website for interactive numeracy games

BBC Bitesize – Huge number of resources including games, videos and information on a wide range of topics

Multiplication Tables

100 High Frequency Words

Next 200 High Frequency Words


Hwb Help Links

Your child has taken home their login details and their password which allows them to access a range of resources. Please use the links below to help with accessing HWB and the different resource areas. The children will have used some of these already in class.

How to use Homework tile (Click here)

How to access Flipgrid in Hwb (Click here)

How to upload work to your J2e file (Click here)

Teams Session Instructions

Teams Code of Conduct – Pupils