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Dosbarth Mynydd – Mr Anthony

Spring Term 2025

Welcome back to school and the start of the Spring Term

This term, our concept is ‘culture’ and ‘heritage’. We will be learning about ‘Art and Culture’, how they can interact and shape each other.

Why is it important that children learn about this?

Expressive arts can engage, motivate and encourage learners to develop their creative, artistic and performance skills to the full. Learning and experiences in this Area encourages the development of knowledge, skills and values that can help learners grasp the opportunities and meet the challenges that arise in their lives. Whether as creators or as audience, through engaging with the expressive arts, learners can gain an understanding and an appreciation of cultures and societies in Wales and in the world. Such engagement can equip learners with the skills to explore cultural differences through time and place. It can engage learners physically, socially and emotionally, nurturing their well-being, self-esteem and resilience. This can help them become healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

Please click on the link below, to see in more detail what we will be learning about.

Click here to find out what we will be learning about this term

Dosbarth Mynydd has created their own class prayer:

God our Father, 

Thank you for the past, present and future. 

Thank you for the world and the amazing creatures in it. 

Thank you for our lives and our talents. 

Diolch am fy nheulu (Thank you for my family), 

Multumesc pentru prietenii mei (Thank you for my friends), 

Maita henyu Mwari (Thank you God). 

Please fill us with laughter and kindness every day. 


Weekly Reminders

Tuesday: Homework to be returned

Wednesday: Library books changed during a ‘May I Recommend’ circle time with Mrs Adams

Friday: Homework given out, PE day – please bring your outdoor kit into school

Reading books and homework

Pupils have school reading books to take home which can be changed during the week. Please encourage your child to read at home. Regular reading and tables practise at home has a great impact on children’s progress.

Activities will be sent home which link directly to what the children are learning in school and supports their work in class. Please make every effort to support them and to complete the tasks set.

Below are some sheets which you might find helpful:

Multiplication Tables

100 High Frequency Words

Next 200 High Frequency Words


Hwb Help Links

Your child has taken home their login details and their password which allows them to access a range of resources. Please use the links below to help with accessing HWB and the different resource areas. The children will have used some of these already in class.

How to use Homework tile (Click here)

How to access Flipgrid in Hwb (Click here)

How to upload work to your J2e file (Click here)

Teams Session Instructions

Teams Code of Conduct – Pupils