We have been busy making Chinese Lanterns and dragons.
Wellbeing Wednesday
It’s Wednesday again, the “Peak of the week”! Let’s work together to make sure that everyone gets their peak. Why not try out a new way of exercising ?
or try out some rainbow recipes to share with your family….
Free Zoom classes
Here are links to free online sessions to
and Dance Fit
Safer Internet Day
There are resources on here to help keep you safer online.
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year 2021 falls on Friday, February 12th, and celebrations culminate with the Lantern Festival on February 26th, 2021
Every year we mark this event by welcoming a Chinese exchange student into St Joseph’s. Due to the ongoing pandemic, which means we cannot be together to celebrate Chinese New Year in school this year.
I’d like you to use these online resources
and create something to celebrate.
Think of past years when you’ve celebrated during PPA sessions with me. We’ve tasted Chinese food together and made Chinese crafts.
What will you do this year at home?
Share you creations with us and we can still celebrate Chinese New Year together.
I look forward to seeing what you do. Mrs Adams
Wellbeing Wednesday
Why not share a story together? The gang over at @TallStoriesLive are releasing a series of short stories called Tales of Light for ages 4+. Part one is available to watch now:
Tales of Light – Part One – YouTube
Book Trust Cymru have some great free resources for you
For all you budding computer scientists
Plenty of workshops for you to join. Grown ups you can upskill to !
Feel Good Friday
This week is children’s Mental Health week.
On Friday we will embrace the theme ” Dress to Express”
Wear whatever makes you feel happy. You could express yourself through art, music, dancing, cooking, building or going for a walk and just enjoy being outdoors. We would love to see pictures of how you spend your day.
Mr Ffit – Ffit February
Please click on the link to open a PDF from our Athrowes Fro about the Ffit February initiative.