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Summer Childcare Message from the Local Authority

Message from NPT Local Authority

Dear Parent / Carer

In response to the early lockdown period, Neath Port Talbot local authority provided hub childcare facilities for critical workers. This was an immediate response to the emergency childcare needs for those on the frontline of the national cause to minimise the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Schools were repurposed in line with Welsh Government’s guidance to provide these facilities.

Following consultation with other agencies including the NHS and as we progress our national recovery programme, the same level of need no longer exists and the lifting of restrictions allows for childcare to be delivered by more normal means. The repurposing of schools has been reversed and as a result, the local authority will not be providing summer childcare for critical workers. This decision is in accordance with other neighbouring local authorities, Welsh Government decisions and paves an opportunity for childcare providers in Neath Port Talbot to re-establish their businesses and ensure that childcare needs are met accordingly.

Families wishing to access childcare are welcome to contact the local authority’s Family Information Service ( ) who will provide a list of registered providers who would be able to meet their needs.

The local authority’s Children Services and Education Directorate are currently constructing a summer support programme for our most vulnerable learners, many of whom have found lockdown conditions particularly challenging and detrimental. This programme will seek to deliver bespoke support for those assessed to be our most isolated children and young people suffering from increased stresses and substantial psychological inequality. The programme will be configured around current resource, allowing services to deliver increased opportunities for safe social interaction and enhanced wellbeing and mental health interventions.

Again, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to parents and carers for their understanding and cooperation during these challenging times.

Yours sincerely,

Aled Evans

Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning