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Year 2 have been taking part in Kerbcraft on Monday afternoons for the past 7 weeks. They have become confident when crossing the roads in the locality around our school.

A huge “Thank You” to our loyal group of Mums who accompany us every week.

Digital Reminders

Digital Reminders

Autumn 2018

As part of the Hwb online resources your child has access to a range of programmes which can help them at home and be used on most devices. Free of charge they are able to use:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • J2e games and resources


Our Abacus maths scheme has an online platform where pupils’ can practise skills and complete homework activities. Please log on regularly to reinforce skills and complete any work set.


You can request a password slip from your child’s class teacher.

Please be mindful of password security.



To follow our school account and see lots of pictures of school activities please request to follow on Twitter and return your slip to school. Requests cannot be approved without a consent slip (available from Mrs.Stephens).